Dem Debate 5/7/10: Candidates weigh in on health care bill

May 07, 2010 at 04:26 pm by admin

QUESTION: Would you have voted for the health care bill? What do you like and don’t like about the recently passed health care bill?
Price: It’s a step in the right direction. We pay more for health care and get less than other countries because of “evil bloodsucking monopolizing vampire insurance companies”. She blames cronyism between Capitol Hill and Congress. She wants the anti-trust exemption for Many members (of Congress) are bought off.
Mongiardo: The bill increases access. It doesn’t do anything for quality or affordability. He would vote for it with assurances that those two aspects would be addressed. If elected, he will be only Democratic doctor in US Senate. Use universities to research fixing broken delivery system.
Conway: He would vote for bill because 654,000 Kentuckians are uninsured. This bill is a start. He likes that pre-existing conditions are now covered. Children are covered. Medicare should be able to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies. Need Medicare fraud unit. He’s proud not to join the “frivolous” lawsuit against the bill.
Buckmaster: Likes the portability. Likes the competition written into the bill. Otherwise, he’d like to stick a stake through its heart. Calls it a Medicaid system that is very inefficient. He said that the Kentucky HMO had his waiting room packed because of people with minor ailments.
Sweeney: He would have voted for the bill as a start. He’s “amazed that people opposed to health care have health care.” He would have within 90 fixed loopholes and opportunities for fraud. He would not have tacked on the student loan provision that was on the bill.
Tags: Buckmaster Conway Darlene Price debate mongiardo Paducah Senate 2010 Sweeney
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