Dem Debate 5/7/10: Illegal immigration and Arizona's new law

May 07, 2010 at 04:32 pm by admin

Question: What should be done about illegal immigration? Do you support the Arizona law?
Mongiardo: What happened in Arizona was the result of frustration that the federal government is not doing its job. We need to shut down the borders and make sure that those who hire illegals are held accountable. They wouldn’t be coming if they didn’t have a job to come to.
Conway: Real concerns about Arizona bill. Don’t need a patchwork of laws on immigration. Agrees with Mongiardo that federal government hasn’t done its job. Problem with twelve million illegals is we can’t round them all up and deport them. There are children born to illegals that are American citizens. Make certain we have a tough fair system.
Buckmaster: We need 20-30,000 more troops on the border. We need to finish the fence and enforce the laws we have. If we find illegals, they should be deported. They are using our resources, destroying our health care system and they aren’t paying a single tax dollar in.
Sweeney: Agrees that Arizona is frustrated. Thinks we should stop policing world with troops in Germany and Japan. Bring them home and let them police the border. There are jobs that Americans won’t do. We need to figure out how to have a work permit system. What is going on is as much a drug problem as a border problem.
Price: She lived on California and Arizona border. Laws are in place – we need to enforce the laws we have. We know who is coming into this country. There are two million street gangs in this country. Friends on gang task force estimate there are four million gang members.
Tags: Buckmaster Conway Democrat mongiardo Paducah Price Sweeney US Senate 2010
Sections: FrontPage News