McCracken County Schools: preparing students for global competition

Sep 30, 2010 at 10:19 am by admin

In McCracken County we care deeply about the educational experiences that our students receive.  We acknowledge that we live in a world that is rapidly changing and the competition for our students is global as well as local.  With this in mind MCPS has placed an increased importance on intentional, challenging instruction.  In July of 2010, 300 teachers attended the district’s 2nd annual “Teaching and Learning Conference”. 

MCPS teachers learned from the expertise of brain based expert Eric Jensen and also had opportunities to attend break out sessions led by their own colleagues on topics dealing with technology, poverty, music in the classroom, whole child support programs, and project based learning.  Many teachers have been trained and inspired from the staff of the Ron Clark Academy and the nationally known educator him self.  These teachers are working to make the classroom a magical experience.  To an outside observer they may see students in a classroom moving, singing, dancing, chanting, or using laptops, but to us, we are preparing them for careers that haven’t even been created yet.

Michael Ceglinski

Director of Secondary Instruction

McCracken County Schools


Tags: education McCracken County school students West Kentucky
Sections: Education