It's Official - Graves County's Cuba Elementary School wins high attendance day

Oct 01, 2010 at 09:23 am by admin

It’s official: Cuba wins High Attendance Day statewide!

 CUBA WINS STATE ATTENDANCE AWARD – Cuba Elementary School won the competition among the Commonwealth’s 747 elementary schools on High Attendance Day, Thursday, Sept. 16, 2010. The sponsoring Kentucky Directors of Pupil Personnel will recognize Cuba with a cash award. Graves County Assistant Superintendent/ Director of Pupil Personnel Jennifer Smith said both Cuba and Farmington recorded 100 percent attendance that day. However, Cuba edged out Farmington and others.

In the case of a tie, the award goes to the school with highest attendance the previous day, Wednesday, Sept. 15. That’s when Cuba recorded only one child leaving early. Fancy Farm recorded 99.01 percent attendance Sept. 16. That school won the state elementary competition in 2007. All Graves County schools made concerted efforts and recorded high numbers. The lowest Graves County attendance that day was a very respectable 96.7 percent. Pictured here are Cuba students who have maintained perfect attendance throughout the entire first quarter of the 2010-11 school year. Cuba’s principal is Jill McClain.


Tags: children education Graves County Kentucky students
Sections: Education