Power to the People

Oct 06, 2010 at 03:43 pm by admin


 The Bardwell City Utilities is one of more than two thousand utilities providing Public Power on a not-for-profit basis to 45 million Americans.

As we celebrate Public Power Week – the Bardwell City Utilities is proud to have served Bardwell’s power needs since July 1st 1941. The first operating power plant in Bardwell was purchased April 5th , 1898 for a price of $780.68. The first power plant in Bardwell was operated off of steam.  

The Bardwell City Utilities prides itself in a safe, efficient utilitiy system. Our main goal for our customers is safety.  

For us – the hard work is rewarding since our customers are our neighbors and friends. 

Reliability – low rates -- and customer responsiveness – these are just a few benefits which prove -- Public Power is an American tradition that works.








Sections: Politics & Government