Clinton Mayor and Council Members Discuss Future

Feb 07, 2011 at 04:18 pm by admin

Mayor Tommy Kimbro met with Clinton City Council members Yvette Thomas, Phyllis Campbell and Ivan Potter in an unusual Saturday workshop to solicit ideas for moving Clinton forward in the next year. City police officer Tom Dixon and his wife, Greta, also attended and shared ideas.

Discussion included beautification, use of city property, parks and a chicken festival being planned for the spring. All those present agreed that clean up and beautification of the city was a goal to be addressed in the near term. Three local groups, the Hickman County Arts Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the Ministerial Association all have expressed interest in beautification.  

Councilman Potter suggested that Clinton needed a new logo to brand itself.  He told those at the meeting that he couldn’t tell if the present logo was a dove or a pigeon. Councilwoman Thomas thought it should be a falcon because Hickman County Schools' mascot is a falcon. Potter suggested the pillars that are all that remain of two colleges, Clinton and Marvin, that were once located in the city. Mayor Kimbro said the logo is a dove and that he had created the logo in a previous term because the city had none. It was suggested by Tom Dixon that a student contest be used to create a new logo.

A chicken festival sponsored by the Hickman County Ministerial Alliance was also discussed.  Those present had many ideas for the festival and it was felt the city should participate fully in it. The festival is planned for late April.

Since it was not a regular council meeting, no business was conducted.

Sections: Community and Regional News