The Art of Political Campaign Timing: End Game Dynamics

Nov 05, 2011 at 03:03 pm by admin

Every political campaign is different, yet the same. Reality is often defined within the parameters of the candidate’s record, sex, religious beliefs, amount of money raised, geographical base, or general attitude toward people and the use of political power.

Almost never in the world of new age media is the term ”TIME” used to describe how a campaign functions. This is one of several inside political secrets that are only used by a handful of experts, whose job is to (1) define local reality (2) control that reality (3) bend physics of history to their interpretation and (4) direct local time reality into the broader flow of a much larger general campaign reality.

Time Agents and Local Control

This local time reality is a direct result and cause effect due to one single fact, a prime person of importance and historical weight makes a live personal appearance within local time and space. This intersection of prime person to local conditions as well as local danger or threats of danger is the platform for time control of an enclosed reality.

Political enclosed reality is where time agents (security force or advance team) establish a lock down and control of a space, walkway, or building for a limited run of minutes. Tight security is thrown over and around the event in a matter of seconds.

Advance team (2-4 security and or prime person’s personal staff) secure vantage points over entrances and exits, identify known local friendlies, scan for anything out of normal, and establish first scan of local landscape out from base (the exact space used for the event).

The Event:  Intersection of Space, Time, Action (Force)

The Event is both positive and negative energies all at the same time. Great things (positive energy) can happen from the event dynamics as well as major disasters (negative energies).

Such was the event of the Democratic slate of candidate who descended upon Paducah, Kentucky on the evening of November 4, 2011.  The press release had simply announced that at 5:00 pm Kentucky’s Governor Steve Beshear would be in attendance at the new Beshear-Abramson Headquarters, 217 Broadway, Paducah, Ky.

Word went out among the democratic party faithful, the Governor was coming to town and with him, the party slate for the November 8th General Election. Thus, two forces were now set in motion (1) event timeline and (2) movement of force-people to an exact space and time. 

Event Bubble: Control of Dynamics

To causal eye, the Governor was just running a little late. However, to the security and advance team, this control of time was just another trick they had for establishing tighter presence over the event and therefore placing an unseen buddle of security over the space.

When the schedule is thrown off its announced path, would-be danger is confused. This is to set in motion the Event Dynamics law of time delay equals proportional  nervousness to length of delay.  This is the belief that any would be security risks or physical threats to the prime target will become more unglued to event as time runs without prime target on site.

At 5:24 pm, the governor and the Democratic Slate of candidates hit arrive. As they enter the space, four first line security turn toward inside building close contact crowd monitoring. Attention now leaves the exterior open space of vehicle, sidewalk and front of building.

The front line security all has similar dark suits and work as a team through personal communication by ear phones. They are the quick eyes and ears of rapid response to crowd dynamics. Behind them are the forces from local police. In this event that would be Jon Hayden and his sheriff deputies. As a backup, at least one undercover agent probably was placed inside the crowd.     

Physics of History

Each and every event has its own unique energy field about it. There is a starting and ending point in time at an exact spot within reality. Our cultural flow of events has many shared aspects of time, space, motion, and the application of force or action that provides the foundation of physics.

Smart political agents now understand how to use the laws of physics to gain force or power within the tighter timelines of 21st century political campaigns. Most often this is “telling of the message” to party faithful and general public in a close buddle or secure reality platform.

On this night, 154 party faithful and county leaders heard the governor speak to his re election. They also were entertained by the cheer leading of the other candidates for general election. This was a good message absorbed by the crowd. All time agents for this event had to be pleased as the results and general outcome from the evening flow of energy. For seventy two minutes, the time agents had woven the fabric of time and space into a controlled event where action and force intersected with and defined reality.

Bending Flow of History

The political event at 217 Broadway worked well for the Democratic Party in McCracken County and the faithful of the Jackson Purchase.

However, by the next day, the only tradition press coverage of the nights happenings was one small photograph of Governor Beshear talking to Jim Morphew, a Paducah member of the Democratic state central committee on page one of the Paducah Sun Saturday edition (which nobody reads ‘cause there aren’t any coupons).

Controlled events always stand in the lower shadows of the larger flow of state and national media realties. Accessing that level is now the new battlefield for serious time agents whose job is to push or control political messages onto large scale stages or in front of large audiences.

On the morning of November 9th, 2011, history will record that this visit from the Democratic Party Slate was either part of a brilliant regional last minute “Get the Vote out “ campaign or just another failed attempt to beg for voters in a lost cause.

Only the winners on November 8, 2011 will be allowed to finish this story. Their writing of what took place will be how history will record the importance of a local event in Paducah, Kentucky on the night of November 4, 2011.


Tags: Kentucky Politics strategy
Sections: FrontPage News