Judges tour River Counties

Jan 30, 2012 at 04:50 pm by admin

(Clinton, Jan. 23, 2012) - Kentucky Supreme Court Judge Bill Cunningham, Court of Appeals Judges Shea Nickell and Donna Dixon, joined First District Circuit Judge Tim Langford on a merry tour of Ballard, Carlisle, Hickman and Fulton Counties. After the Judges met with students in Fulton. Judge Nickell pronounced himself "impressed" with the questions the students asked.

The Judges visited the venerable courthouse in Hickman, county seat of Fulton County, then were on to the Courthouse Annex in Clinton, the county seat of Hickman County. There they met with local court officials. Retiring Circuit COurt Clerk Cathy Kellett made the judges welcome in the courtroom.

The Judges then went to lunch at Ruby Faye's Barbecue Restaurant with the local bar. Then it was on to the newest jewel in the judicial river counties crown - the new Carlisle County Courthouse. The new facility, dedicated on June 3, 2011, replaced the courthouse in Bardwell that was destroyed by an arsonist.

The tour has become an annual event with the judges visiting a different school each year and meeting with court personnel and lawyers practicing in the district. 

Sections: Community and Regional News