Symsonia Elementary Laniya Yarber helping others

Mar 21, 2012 at 10:53 am by admin

GIVING HEART, NURTURING HANDS – Symsonia Elementary third grader Laniya Yarber expressed an interest in helping others a while back. So, she asked her mother how she could. Before long, she had raised $300 through an on-line auction to buy toys for children at the Lighthouse shelter in Mayfield.

Now, Laniya’s Nurturing Hands is a Facebook page and she asks others to help her fight cancer by raising funds “handled with a loving touch.”

 “We’re trying to get more people for Relay for Life and get other kids to help us,” she said. “And, for Easter I’m going to take arts and crafts to Lighthouse to make things with the kids there,” she added.

Her principal, Lisa Gamble, said everyone at Symsonia Elementary is proud of Laniya for her giving heart and hard work of putting it into action. Mayfield Mayor Teresa Cantrell will honor Laniya at the April city council meeting.

(Photo by Paul Schaumburg, Graves County Schools)

Tags: Graves County Schools Lighthouse shelter Mayfield Nurturing hands
Sections: Education