Heather Ryan Announces Her Candidacy for the 1st District Congressional Seat in Kentucky
Jan 28, 2008 at 07:03 pm by
Breaking News
Heather Ryan Announces Her Candidacy for the 1st District Congressional Seat in Kentucky
FRANKFORT, KY. Right at 4:00 pm January 28, 2008, Heather Ryan officially filed her papers with the Kentucky Secretary of State’s office in the State Capital building. Ryan is a life long Democratic activist and political scientist. Ryan made the almost nine hour around trip to Frankfort and back to Paducah with a “sense of urgency” as she expressed to this newsjournal her reasons for going up against Republican Ed Whitfield.
“I feel that (Exxon Eddie) Ed Whitfield has been allowed to hold back the 1st Congressional District for too long. It is time for a complete break with Whitfield and the George Bush-Mitch McConnell big corporate, big oil Masters of the Universe rule.”
“Each day that the President and Ed Whitfield lie to the American people about the true state of the union is another day that America moves closer to the 1930’s era Great Depression days.”
“Both Exxon Eddie and Malicious Mitch (McConnell) vote only to secure personal profits from legislation. Every time we, as voters, fill up gas or purchase medicine, they line their pockets with profits from their investments and conflicts of interests.”
“This White House, under Republican Bush and the US Senate, under Republican McConnell rule, will go down as the most corrupt time in American history.”
“It is time that Americans take back their government.”
Ryan is expected to launch a full scale media campaign this week to all the voters of the 1st Congressional District.