Paducah Tilghman students earn perfect scores on ACT sections

Aug 21, 2012 at 03:30 pm by admin

PTHS senior Marissa Davis and juniors Will Hancock and Andrew Zaninovich have scored a perfect 36 on sections of the ACT test. The ACT has four sections: English, Reading, Math and Science. Their score places them in the top 1% of all high school students who took the test nation-wide.

Marissa Davis scored a 36 in English, after scoring a 36 in Reading on a previous test. Davis is a member of the PTHS Student Council, Beta Club, National Honor Society, Recycling Club, Choir and Academic team. She is a 2011 Creative Writing alumnus of the Governor's School for the Arts, an alumnus of the 2012 Governor's Scholars Program,  and a member of the McCracken County Chamber of Commerce YouthLEAD program. Her parents are Brad and Brigette Davis.

Will Hancock scored a 36 in Reading, and also scored a 35 in English and Science on the same test. Hancock is a member of the Academic team, Speech team, Mock Trial, Student Council, and Beta Club. He is participant in National History Day.  Hancock is an Acolyte at Grace Episcopal Church. His parents are Sid and Justin Hancock.

Andrew Zaninovich scored a 36 in Reading. Zaninovich is a member of the Soccer team, Tennis team, Mock Trial, Academic team, and Beta Club. He is a member of the youth service group at St. Thomas More. His parents are Katy and Tomi Zaninovich.

Tags: ACT education Paducah Tilghman High School
Sections: Education