To the Editors:
The continual innovation in the telecommunications industry creates numerous new options from which Kentucky consumers can choose to best stay connected. Despite the myriad of telecommunication options available to Kentuckians, economic challenges may make it difficult for some to remain connected to family, emergency services, employers and healthcare providers. To help low-income Kentuckians stay connected, the Lifeline (not to be confused with a medical alert program with a similar name) program may help.
You may qualify for Lifeline if you presently receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). You may also qualify for Lifeline if you participate in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or the National Free School Lunch program or live in Federal Public Housing/Section 8.
Lifeline will provide a discount of up to $12.75 per month on the local service portion of your telephone bill. Lifeline program provides discounts only for the primary telephone in a household, whether it is a landline or wireless phone. Households are limited to one phone line receiving the Lifeline subsidy.
If you think you qualify, contact your local telephone service provider to assist you in selecting a service plan that meets your needs and to receive instructions on how to apply for Lifeline support. Lifeline is funded through telephone service providers and not all providers participate in the program.
The Kentucky Public Service Commission's Web site also has further information about the Lifeline program at
Lifeline can help those in need to stay connected. Please help us spread the word to those who may qualify.
David L. Armstrong, Chairman
Kentucky Public Service Commission
Jack Conway
Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Forest M. Skaggs, Executive Director
Kentucky Telecom Association
Andrew Melnykovych
Director of Communications
Kentucky Public Service Commission