Governor’s Budget to Cut Justice System
Feb 06, 2008 at 05:49 pm by
Kentuckians are expected to go to prison in record numbers from 2008 through 2010. The state expects to lock up over 24,000 felons by fiscal year 2010. This is an increase of 6% over the 22,500 now in jail.
However, the proposed Justice Cabinet budget advanced by Governor Beshear listed the following priorities:
1. Expand the medium security Little Sandy Correctional Complex in Elliott County by 816 beds. This will be paid for by $ 39 million in bond funds.
2. Place another 500 felons in county jails. Several hundred other felons would be placed in private jails or do their time at home with an electronically monitored program.
3. Kentucky State Police current $157 million budget would lose $ 7 million in 2009 and $4 million in 2010
4. Funding lost would also impact commonwealth attorneys, county attorneys, and public defenders within the Department of Public Advocacy.
Governor Beshear said in his budget address, “During the past 30 years, Kentucky’s crime rate has remained flat, increasing only about 3 percent. But our incarceration rate has increased by 600 percent in the same time period.”