Editor's Note: Betty Morrow received 78 write in votes on Tuesday. She was also sworn in on Monday to replace Jeff for the remainder of his term.
(Clinton, KY October 30, 2012) – When City Councilman Jeff Morrow passed away on October 17th, after a short illness, it was too late to remove his name from the ballot. Morrow, a Navy veteran, had served on the City Council for twelve years. Local officials were informed that while his name could not come off the ballot, votes for Morrow would not be counted. All members of the City Council are on the ballot and no opponents filed for a seat. So, Morrow’s seat would be left unfilled if a candidate did not step forward.
Mrs. Morrow is a political veteran in her own right. She chairs the Hickman County Democratic Committee and is a past member of the Kentucky State Democratic Committee. She served as City Clerk for the City of Columbus and has sixteen years experience in government, as she explains in the ad she share with us that will be running in local papers.
(In the interest of full disclosure, yes, that is OUR Ivan C. Potter’s name above the write in line. Ivan’s running for his second term on the Clinton City Council.)