“I’ve got some gray hairs now.” He said.
Conway then spent some time chiding the audience for having their “heads down” over the defection of Calloway County Judge Executive Larry Elkins from the Democratic Party. Elkins recently changed his party registration from Democratic to Independent. Conway told the crowd that if someone leaves the Party, “that’s on them - not on us.”
The top law enforcement officer of the state then went on to recite a litany of his accomplishments. As he promised as a candidate, Conway has focused on cyber crime and internet pornography. He reported that during his term, 400,000 pornographic photos of children have been taken off the Internet. Investigations into pornography are turning in unexpected results. He told the crowd that a search warrant in Northern Kentucky turned up porn in the home of a foster parent.
Conway said that legislation regulating the prescription of pain medication had shut down half of the pain clinics in Kentucky. Use of oxycontin, an addictive pain medication, was also down.
The Office of the Attorney General has gone after for profit colleges and pharmaceutical companies.
Conway said that Kentucky needs a better higher education system in the state. He said colleges needed to stop “fighting each other.” A recent opinion from his office held that a party attended by a majority of MSU’s Board of Regents was a violation of the Open Meetings law. Conway stood by the opinion and said that he hopes whoever is chosen to lead Murray State University will be “focused on kids, not turf.”
Taking a swipe at the man who defeated him for the US Senate, Jack Conway said that he was sick and tired of hearing Rand Paul call moves cutting Head Start courageous. He said that Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s appearance in Louisville at an inner city primary education program coincided with the two Kentucky senators trying to cut Head Start. As a parent, he is now keenly interested in early childhood education.
Conway finished with his remarks with his views on the closure of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. He told the crowd that he would fight to make the Department of Energy clean up the 40,000 barrels of depleted on the facility grounds. He vowed not to let the DOE get away with telling Kentucky how to handle its waste problems while walking away from its responsibilities.
“The EPA wants to walk away. I’m not going to let them walk away.”