Carpe Pisces!

Jul 16, 2013 at 01:53 pm by admin

Ballard County factory to go after Asian carp

(Wickliffe, KY) – One of the most invasive, destructive invasive species to hit North America may have met its match in Angie Yu, a Chinese American businesswoman.

Asian carp are blamed for driving out native game fish, depleting resources that crappie and bass need to thrive. The fish can grow to over 100 pounds and several feet long. It’s best known characteristic is jumping when startled.  Boaters and fisherman have been injured by the fish

Yu’s new factory, Two Rivers Fisheries, located outside of Wickliffe, a Mississippi River town and the county seat of Ballard County, can begin processing 10,000 pounds of carp a day. At full capacity, Two Rivers will have fifty employees and will process up to 40,000 pounds of the fish. 

The 36,000 square foot factory got help getting from the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority with a million dollars in tax incentives and a grant of up to $300,000  from the Delta Regional Authority.

Asian carp are popular in China and the Far East, but have not caught on in the US. Part of the problem is confusion with the carp’s cousins, North American carp that are bottom feeders and not worth eating. Asian carp are vegetarians and are considerably tastier.

Four Rivers Fisheries will freeze dry the meat for shipment to Asia. Inedible parts will be processed for fertilizer. Yu looks forward to expanding her market in China and Vietnam. Carp will be supplied by professional fishermen. The fish has not been commercially viable to fish because of the lack of a market.

With the factory’s location near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, fish should be plentiful.

Ballard County has the place, Angie Yu has the process and Asia has the market- now is the time to Carpe Pisces! (Seize the Fish).

Tags: Asian carp Ballard County fishing Kentucky manufacturing
Sections: FrontPage News