FRANKFORT, Ky. — The Kentucky Arts Council has awarded more than $1.8 million in operational support funding to 102 nonprofit arts and cultural organizations for fiscal year 2014 through the Kentucky Arts Partnership (KAP) grant.
The KAP grant provides support to nonprofit organizations offering year-round arts services and programs directly for the benefit of the public. The competitive grant process funds applicants based on operating revenues, a panel review of applications, and funds available for the program.
KAP organizations vary in size and are located in rural, suburban and urban communities. In fiscal year 2013, the arts council provided 104 organizations with KAP funding.
"Kentucky is unique among states of our size due to a wide geographic distribution of arts organizations across our counties," said Lori Meadows, arts council executive director. "This shows us that the people of the Commonwealth value the arts and want to participate in the arts because they have dedicated themselves to creating a home for the arts to prosper in their own communities. We are glad we can continue to support these efforts."
Following is a listing by county of FY 2014 KAP organizations:
Boyd Paramount Arts Center $56,749
Boyle Community Arts Center $17,200 The Arts Commission of Danville/Boyle County $1,006
Calloway Playhouse in the Park $4,925 Murray Art Guild $2,753
Campbell Kentucky Symphony Orchestra $22,380
Christian Pennyroyal Arts Council $8,079
Clark Leeds Center for the Arts $1,898
Daviess RiverPark Center $58,832 International Bluegrass Music Museum $31,526 Owensboro Symphony Orchestra $26,953 Owensboro Museum of Fine Art $28,651 Owensboro Dance Theatre $10,047 Theatre Workshop of Owensboro $9,733
Fayette LexArts $38,926 Lexington Philharmonic $39,631 Lexington Children's Theatre $38,838 Living Arts & Science Center $23,639 Explorium of Lexington $20,779 Headley-Whitney Museum $24,681 Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning $20,267 Lexington Art League $15,030 Central Kentucky Youth Orchestra Society $11,679 Kentucky Ballet Theatre $13,211 Lexington Ballet Company $17,414 Central Music Academy $7,079 Actors Guild of Lexington $5,822 The Lexington Singers $8,940 The Balagula Theatre Company $3,990 Institute 193 $2,376
Floyd Mountain Arts Center $29,424 Jenny Wiley Theatre $26,276
Franklin Grand Theatre Frankfort $13,608 Frankfort Arts Foundation $2,453 Josephine Sculpture Park $2,110
Graves Mayfield/Graves County Art Guild $1,687
Hardin Music & Arts Center of Cultural Learning $4,133
Henderson Henderson Area Arts Alliance $10,973 Ohio Valley Art League $2,894
Jefferson Actors Theatre of Louisville $107,957 Speed Art Museum $69,977 The Louisville Orchestra $103,921 Louisville Ballet $63,894 Stage One Family Theatre $41,784 Fund for the Arts $74,274 Kentucky Opera Association $51,182 Walden Theatre $23,563 Louisville Visual Art Association $21,440 Kentucky Shakespeare $19,683 Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft $33,669 The Clifton Center $11,039 Sarabande Books $22,606 Crane House $20,032 VOICES of Kentuckiana $5,024 Portland Museum $6,200 The Louisville Youth Choir $7,986 Louisville Youth Orchestra $13,435 Looking For Lilith $3,543 Squallis Puppeteers $3,308 The Louisville Chorus $2,030 Creative Diversity Studio $2,002 Bourbon Baroque $3,189 Louisville Literary Arts $1,000 Pride of Kentucky Chorus $4,929 Pandora Productions $7,031
Kenton The Carnegie Visual and Performing Arts Center $34,390 Behringer-Crawford Museum $19,838 My Nose Turns Red Theatre Company $4,607
Knott Appalachian Artisan Center of Kentucky $19,227
Letcher Appalshop $51,543
Madison Richmond Area Arts Council $9,107 Berea Arts Council $5,353 Kentucky Guild of Artists & Craftsmen $4,234
Marshall Marshall County Arts Commission $1,889
Mason Ohio River Valley Artists Guild $1,000
McCracken The Carson Center $61,556 Paducah Symphony Orchestra $19,982 National Quilt Museum $27,934 Market House Theatre $18,123 Maiden Alley Cinema $6,865 Yeiser Art Center $4,165
Mercer Ragged Edge Community Theatre $4,034 Arts Council of Mercer County $1,000
Montgomery Montgomery County Council for the Arts $9,100
Oldham Arts Association of Oldham County $5,835
Pendleton Kincaid Regional Theatre Company $5,038
Perry Greater Hazard Area Arts Council / Performing Arts Series $8,329
Pike Artists Collaborative Theatre $4,213
Pulaski Lake Cumberland Performing Arts Series $4,354 Watershed Arts Alliance $1,067
Rockcastle Kentucky Music Hall of Fame & Museum $8,888
Rowan Rowan County Arts Center $2,418
Simpson Simpson County Guild of Artists and Craftsmen $2,318
Trigg Janice Mason Art Museum $2,325
Warren Orchestra Kentucky $27,229 VSA Kentucky $11,379 The Public Theatre of Kentucky $5,653 SKyPAC $80,131
Washington Central Kentucky Community Theatre $4,495
Whitley Kentucky Native American Heritage Museum $11,895
Wolfe Appalachian Heritage Alliance $1,337
Woodford Woodford County Theatrical Arts Association $12,600
The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, creates opportunities for Kentuckians to value, participate in and benefit from the arts. Kentucky Arts Council funding is provided by the Kentucky General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts.