No-Count Dog - from nuisance to hero in 40 pages

Nov 20, 2013 at 03:39 pm by admin

New Book Tells Story of No-Count Dog, An Unlikely Hero.

No Count Dog barks. He barks a lot. It is what he does when he doesn't know what to do.

When a big storm hits and his friend Julie has to go to a shelter, No Count Dog can't go with her. He must stay home as the flood waters rise. He's afraid!

What's a no-count dog to do?

How No-Count Dog survives the flood and becomes a hero is the subject of a new picture book, the first collaboration between author Mary Potter and artist Jennifer Nuckolls, both of Clinton Kentucky.

Mary, an attorney, mother, grandmother and former elementary school teacher, got the idea for No-Count Dog soon after Hurricane Katrina forced the evacuation of thousands of residents of the Gulf Coast. Some could take their pets. Many could not. It troubled her that many pets were left behind and many pet owners braved the storm to be with their pets.

The story was written, but Mary couldn't find an illustrator who could draw the pictures Mary saw in her mind's eye.

Then Jennifer Nuckolls, a twenty something mother of two little girls, Bailey and Gracee, came to work as Mary's legal assistant.

One day, as Mary bemoaned the fact her story would never get told, Jennifer said, "I can draw. Let me try."

Her drawings were just right.

Jennifer's colors and drawings captured the story in ways that Mary had not seen in her mind. No-Count Dog was the hound that Mary dreamed. Elderly neighbor Elsie and and her yellow tom cat Sam came to life.

No-Count Dog is a story not just for children but for everyone who has a pet, had a pet, loved and lost a pet.

It's a story of courage and heart.

It's a story for everyone who believes that everyone counts.

The book is not just for small children but for everyone with a love of pets, No-Count Dog will touch and uplift the heart.

No-Count Dog is the perfect gift for young and old and everyone in-between.

The book retails for $15.95 but will be available for $15 through December. Shipping is available in the US for $5. International shipping is also available.

The authors will be signing books at the Hickman County Arts, Crafts and Book Fair on December 7th at Hickman County Elementary School Gym from 8:30 - 2:30.

**Now available on

Tags: children dog evacuation Kentucky No-Count Dog pet picture book storm
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