UPIKE gearing up for 2014 session

Dec 11, 2013 at 05:03 pm by admin

Orange is the new black. That's the new buzz phrase. Of course, some think it refers to a best selling book turned into a net television series.

But Pikevillians know better. Orange is the color of UPIKE, as the University of Pikeville is called.

Orange is also the new red. As in danger to the other regional universities. Morehead, Murray, Northern, Eastern and Western have had to contend with U of L and U of K for funding and more recently with the community college system.

There's a new kid on the block in UPIKE. Young, aggressive and ready to fight to take a slice of state college funding in the next budget cycle.

For the regionals, that means a knife fight in the General Assembly that will also pull in the state's primary and secondary schools.

UPIKE has nothing to lose and everything to gain in the 2014 session. felt threatened only by the two flagship universities when it comes to funding. Look for Eastern Kentucky legislators (read here Stumbo and Stivers) to line up to add UPIKE to the list of state supported regionals.

Sections: Editorials