Just another Rotary meeting? Not hardly. Rotary Club of Murray makes news

Mar 06, 2014 at 11:45 am by admin


(Murray, KY February 27, 2014) – What seemed to be another Rotary Club meeting, complete with banner, goofy songs, good natured banter and a speaker rounded up for the weekly meeting turned out to be anything but last week.

Keynote speaker Dr. Constantine Curris, Chairman of the Murray State University Board of Regents, prefaced his remarks by saying that he would leave time for questions. He vowed to answer as many as he could. Curris may have rued that statement before the luncheon was over.

Regarding the search for a new president, Curris laid out the sort of man the Board is looking for.

Curris’ perfect new president will:

In a swipe at former President Randy Dunn whose name he didn't say aloud, Curris does not want a president who comes “with one foot in the stirrup” referring to Dunn's resume circulating during his time as MSU President.

The three top candidates will be coming to campus on March 10, 11, and 12th. Curris declined to name the candidates or identify them. Students, university faculty, staff and the public will have an opportunity to meet all of the candidates in open forums.

In response to the first question which asked if there were any women candidates, Curris let slip that the three top candidates are all male. No women made the final cut, but he did say women had applied.

That brought a groan from University officials because that sort of information was to be kept under wraps until the candidates arrive.

Curris was more circumspect about a proposal to eliminate the College of Health Sciences. No decision had been made. (Since the meeting, the decision was made – the College will be broken up. Functions will be scattered throughout the school.)

With state, county, city and university officials present, it was a lively time at the Rotary Club of Murray’s weekly meeting.


Tags: Adam Edelen Bill Wells Constantine Curris Jack Rose Kentucky MSU Murray State University Rotary
Sections: FrontPage News