Fancy Farm Fires Invokes Ancient Tribal Political Warfare

Jul 24, 2014 at 03:17 pm by admin

FANCY FARM, KY. From the annals of civilizations through out history, there has been one single fact of kings and governments: political power is never shared or given, it is always taken.

The year is 2014. In just eight days, a great battle will take place in a far away rural crossroads called Fancy Farm. Each year, on the eve of the first Saturday in August, activities are in full array to produce meat for the largest known political picnic in the world. As the sun sets on August 1, 2014, the scene will look alien to any outside strangers, who bother to stop and preview the picnic grounds. This is what those strangers will encounter.

Sunlight receding into deep shadows, as darkness works to claim the night. Against this daily ritual of peace, roars the fires of Fancy Farm on the eve of great battle. Three eight foot tall giant metal drums belch flames four to six foot high into the new night. A small row of air vents on each drum gives the impression of mean, stark, staring red eyes coming your way.

Each drum and fire transform the large wood piles into charcoal that will cook the 30,000 pounds of pork into fresh barbecue for the next day crowds of about 20,000 people.

Some people claim that if you half close your eyes and look deeply into the burning drums you can almost hear a clarion call to battle, as if you were fierce Scotsmen charging down from the highlands of northern England to do battle against the English King.

Many believe that Fancy Farm is the one spot in America, where fires, foods, and political debate still frame the eternal warfare between those who have complete power over those who want to take that power away. Fancy Farm is a place of political dreams. It is a place where feudal serfs in the night, can become free men in the morning light.

Like ancient struggles of people's freedoms versus feudal elite power, Fancy Farm will be about which side of history will have the right to write the next page of the political future for America. Fancy Farm on this year will be about who will control the US Senate.

Almost a 100 international, national, statewide, and local media will be recording and listening to every word of the speakers. The media will come for three reasons, (1) Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, (2) Democratic KY. Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, and (3) Republican KY. Senator Rand Paul.

McConnell is the King of Kentucky politics. For 30 years, he has ruled with an iron fist to control his part of Republican Party, as well as state politics. Grimes is a new face in state politics and is the first real challenger to McConnell in his career that may defeat him.

The outcome of their fight will help determine which national political party will rule the US Senate. Their race is also the first major event to launch the 2016 Presidential campaign. The party in control of the US Senate in 2014, will have an advantage for electing America's next President.

Fancy Farm 2014 will also see the tribe of Tea Party take another step toward controlling Congress. The Kentucky Tea Party, may or may not help Senator McConnell. Many of them view McConnell as being the ultimate Washington DC insider and been there too long. Herein lies the seeds of Senator Rand Paul seeking the Republican nomination for President in 2016.

The BBQ will be excellent. So too, will be the political debate. Ancient themes play out against modern fires will provide all media with stories to make the trek into the wilds of West Kentucky, well worth the travel.

Tags: Alison Lundergan Grimes Fancy Farm Picnic 2014 Graves County Kentucky McConnell Politics Rand Paul
Sections: Editorials