Futurist Beshear gets smacked by Future Shock
Mar 25, 2008 at 06:35 pm by
The Futurist Beshear gets smacked by Future Shock
Unlike any other Governor in Kentucky’s history, Steve Beshear is a futurist. This title comes from his efforts as Lt. Governor (1983-87) to establish a statewide Tomorrow Commission to address the future of Kentucky.
The political dynamics of Kentucky during the 1980’s is very similar to the political dynamics of this century. Power and who controls power still is fought over by special interests and those who want to rule Kentucky rather then govern Kentucky.
However, the issues facing Kentucky have gotten much more complex and intertwined with global and national forces. By 2001, Kentucky state government was limping into the future with an attitude of “business as usual” in Frankfort.
Kentucky entered the 21st Century on crutches. Without real leadership and a true vision of what the potential of the 21st Century held in store for our state, we became a state of ”walking wounded leaders.” The state political power structure was held captive by the impact of 9-11 in New York; the loss of ability to function during the last years of the Patton Administration; and the complete mishandling of the governor’s office during the Fletcher years.
Seven years into the 21st Century, Steve Beshear, the Democrat, was victorious over Republican Governor Fletcher in the fight of who would be governor. Steve Beshear, the futurist, has taken hold of Kentucky’s destiny at a crucial crossroads in its history.
However, Steve Beshear, the politician is stumbling to keep his hold on political power.
What worked in the 1980’s is not working in this new century. Beshear may become the first governor since Wendell Ford (1972-1975) to usher in a new era of modernization in Kentucky politics. This era will demand a new attitude of governance in which mega issues can no longer be “swept under the legislative rug” to be dwelt with in the fog of the next legislative session.
By all accounts, Candidate Beshear and his team were not prepared to take charge of state government in November. But with some 200 experts in his transition teams working from November through December, the Governor had a road map of how to deal with the major issues facing the Commonwealth. That mountain of research is still waiting to be used.
To be fair, events of Beshear’s first 100 days in office have been a mirror into future shock. The impact upon the national economy from (1) home mortgage crisis (2) collapse of Wall Street investment banking (3) record high gas and food prices (4) loss of consumer confidence and slowing retail sales are future shock forces that have smacked the new governor’s plans to balance the estate budget.
Now Governor Beshear faces the task of executive commander in moving Kentucky state government forward. He will have to face the budget crisis through out 2008. Other mega issues await him this year include: lack of jobs, energy debate, control of water resources, size and shape of state government, national and state recessions.
Great times of economic pain and chaos also mean great times for opportunity and great leaders. Let us be fair and say that Beshear, the politician, needs to embrace and allow Beshear, the futurist, to re connect with the people of Kentucky for building his vision of a great state.
A great leader is a dealer in hope.
For all our sakes, may both sides of the House and Senate work with the governor to forge a common agenda for a great second 100 days of new government opportunities in Frankfort.