The Chamber Leadership Weekend: Orientation

Sep 11, 2014 at 09:06 am by admin

Starting off as a new member of the leadership group most of us were excited to be there and interested to learn the new skills that we had all signed up for.

When we first arrived we were all thinking that it would just be another boring lecture, but to most of the kids surprise it was full of team work activities and teachers/mentors that taught like we had never seen before which made it fun, and also a little easier to take notes and pay attention.

Not one kid that was there this weekend had a bad time we all had laughs, fun, lots of learning and practicing teamwork, and above all what we did was we learned how to very carefully take notes, listen, and make sales pitches as well.

Throughout the weekend we all had a lot of fun, and many ideas about how to help the community as a whole not just one age group over the other but all together and we as a group are going to try our best to think of more ideas and set the current ones in motion so it can start helping our community as soon as possible.

As for the 2014-2015 Chamber of Leadership Group we plan to have a great, fun, and as well a very beneficial year for ourselves and the community we all live in and as well hope we that the community can see and appreciate what we do while giving back to the community.

Tags: chamber of commerce education Hickman County High School leadership program
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