Dems, It's Time to Dump Dixie - The Daily Beast

Dec 09, 2014 at 03:52 pm by admin

"With Mary Landrieu's ignominious exit, the Democrats will have lost their last senator in the Deep South. And that's a good thing. They should write it off--because they don't need it." Michael Tomasky, The Daily Beast 12/8/14

A disturbing editorial by Michael Tomasky in the Daily Beast on 12/8/14 urges Democrats to abandon the Deep South to its own devices.

The article can be accessed through "More" below. After you read it, ask yourself:

Is it 1850 all over again?

Is the United States at the same sort of impasse that led to a slide into one region trying to leave the Union and the other region denying its right to leave - thus precipitating the most destructive war in our history?

In the ten or so years leading up to 1861, an inability to compromise, listen to opposing views, be wary of those with ulterior motives led this nation to the last war fought on American soil by Americans against Americans. There was nothing "civil" about that war. It was a war to the knife between brothers and sisters.

In the 150+ years since the War Between the States, we again must wonder - Is the divide between the left and the right so deep that neither side can see past their own talking points?

Click on "More" to read Tomasky's full text, then come back here and tell us -are we in an era echoing the 1850s?

Will the South be written off by Northern and Western Democrats?

And where does that leave Kentucky?

Tags: Civil War conservative liberal opinion Politics sectionalism
Sections: Editorials