Effective Lobbying Tips from a Ky Legislator

Feb 04, 2015 at 04:05 pm by admin

Editor's Note - Rep. Meeks graciously shared a portion of his newsletter with us. Good advice for anyone who wants to get a point across to General Assembly members during any session -not just this short one. Well worth reading and sharing.

As demanding as it (the 2015 Session) will be on us, it will be even more demanding on you. Not just that you will have to put up with these weekly updates once again, but the airways, newspapers, and cameras will all be in full effect as well. And this short session will be demanding on you in other ways as well. For those of you who will be coming to Frankfort, participating in Lobby Days for various issues, members of different advocacy organizations, or just wanting to meet with me or other legislators, time will be of the essence. You will not be able to waste any time.

So, I want to share a few tips on how to best utilize your limited time and be more effective in the time you will have here in these hallowed halls of the Capitol Annex.

First, let me emphasize you will be in competition with a significant number of constraints on our legislative time; not the least of which are committee meetings, staff briefings, paid lobbyists, meetings with other legislators, administration officials, our need for time to prepare for meetings, etc., etc. There is not time to waste. Please do not be offended if you are told you only have five or ten minutes!

Therefore, when you do have face time with me or any other legislator, be prepared with a concise presentation of your issue. Practice it with someone beforehand. Have your two or three main points clearly laid out up front in your presentation. You want to make sure we understand the problem you are describing, what you are proposing, and that we clearly see how your proposal will solve the problem you are addressing.

Give thought to both sides of your issue. Be prepared to be asked questions about who might be opposed to what you are proposing, and why. We always will want to know this information, and your being able to give this to us will help us build rapport and trust together. Often, we get the single-minded, "this is the only way," viewpoint, and some of us choose to have broader, well- rounded contexts in which to make up our own minds about an issue. Provide that context when you meet with legislators.

You have often heard the admonition "Your word is your bond." Well, that gets played fast and loosely here in Frankfort, and the more appropriate admonition might well be "Let the buyer (listener) beware." My point here is that once someone has misled you, misrepresented facts - you are well advised to not forget that. And we don't. So, be truthful and forthright in your dealings. Present company excluded, some legislators are not as intellectually challenged as they appear.

Our LRC staff can be a tremendous resource to you and have a wealth of information. Get to know them! This includes our individual office staff members as well as our committee staff members. Most of us do not take kindly to them being berated or disrespected on the phone. Hundreds of phone calls come into our offices daily, and your patience is always welcomed. Feel free to ask them about alternate meeting times that can be set if the time you want is not available, or where you can find the info you seek, or who else with whom you might speak. They will be quite helpful to you and willing to go the extra mile to help.

Tags: Frankfort General Assembly 2015 Kentucky politics lobbying
Sections: FrontPage News