Golden Age of Hickman County "The Difficult Years" now out

Apr 09, 2015 at 02:36 pm by admin

LaDonna Latham is a student of local history. As a past president of the Hickman County Historical & Genealogical Society, Latham has cataloged much of the history of this small rural community. Two years ago, she published her first book, "The Golden Age of Hickman County - Early Years" a generously illustrated study of pioneer and nineteenth century businesses in the area. Using newspaper advertisements and old photographs, the first book brought the exciting glory days of horse and buggy stables, ladies' stores and egg sellers to life.

The second book in the series, "The Golden Age of Hickman County "Difficult Years" uses the same style of generous illustrations and antique newspaper adverts to chronicle a less happy time. The difficult years of the Twenties through the Forties saw some businesses lose their way through first one World War then another. The Great Depression sandwiched between the two challenged businesses in Hickman County.

While the subject may sound depressing, the book is livened up with anecdotes. One such story tells of Tasty Bakery, and its deliveries of day old bread to the local CCC camp. The New Dealers who established the camps throughout America believed that fresh dough was unhealthy. Bakeries had to wait 24 hours for their bread to get a little stale before it was fit for hungry young men.

A launch party for the book will be held at the Hickman County Historical & Genealogical Society at 107 S. Washington St. in Clinton on Saturday, April 18th at 10:00. The author will share her own anecdotes about the book and the ups and downs of being both author and publisher.

The public is invited to attend. The book will be available for purchase for $25 at the Historical Society and online at

Tags: Clinton Hickman County Historical Society history LaDonna Latham publishing
Sections: Community and Regional News