Achievement, Endeavor, and Hope - MSU President invested

Apr 15, 2015 at 03:10 pm by admin

(April 10, 2015 - Murray KY) - Dr. Robert O. Davies officially became the 13th president of Murray State University in a ceremony full of pomp, circumstance and tradition. A long line of representatives from colleges and universities and faculty in cap and gowns of their colleges preceded the new president into Lovett Auditorium.

Greetings and congratulations were shared by representatives of state and local government. Kentucky Senator Stan Humphreys, House Representative Kenneth Imes, County Judge Larry Elkins, Murray Mayor Jack Rose, Dr. Robert King of the Council on Postsecondary Education, and representatives of alumni, faculty, staff and students welcomed the new President and his family. Student Government President said that "students absolutely love" the new president.

Governor Steve Beshear joked that since he was ninth on the agenda to share greetings, there was little left to say.

Beshear reminded the Murray State audience of the accomplishments of his administration - bridges and infrastructure, including a new science building on MSU's campus. Ground breaking for a new physics wing of the science building had taken place in the morning.

Beshear urged Murray State to stay closely involved with the region. "West Kentucky needs you."

Dr. Davies added a new element to the Investiture Ceremony - a heavy chain around his neck forged with links bearing the names of his twelve predecessors. In taking on the heavy necklace, Davies symbolically took on the history of those administrators who went before him.

The new President's father, Dr. Richard O. Davies, a former college president and educator, shared the family's involvement in education. Davies said that his son is "a competitor with an entrepreneurial streak." The younger Dr. Davies' is "always thinking long term" which is why there is a long range planning process going on at Murray State.

President Davies emphasized a life journey full of lessons learned from family, colleagues and mentors. His remarks entitled "Achievement, Endeavor and Hope" urged the university community to "build castles in the air". He said that dreaming of big things has led the school, founded in 1922 to grow from a student body of 223 to 11,226 students from 43 states, 57 counties and 104 countries.

He said the school has earned the trust and confidence of the citizens of the Commonwealth.

"Now is not the time to relax."

Tags: college Dr. Robert O. Davies higher education Kentucky Murray State University
Sections: Education