Kentucky earns a "D" on report on status of women

May 27, 2015 at 03:55 pm by admin

Kentucky fared poorly in a report issued on the status of women in the states. The state ranked 43rd out of 51 with a score of 3.73. Some neighboring states didn't fare a great deal better - Tennessee, C-, at 34th with a score of 3.86, Indiana's rank of 3.76 put it 39th with a D, and West Virginia came in 51st with a score of 3.43 and an "F".

Others did better - Ohio scored 3.89 for a ranking of 29th and a "C". Missouri with a score of 3.88 got a C- and ranks 30th. Illinois, B-, scored 4.11 and ranks 16th.

The study measures poverty and opportunity, work and family, violence and safety, reproductive rights, health and well being, and political participation.

At 48th, Kentucky scored most poorly the area of poverty and opportunity. That's not surprising in a state with some of the poorest counties in the US. In the area of work and family, the situation of Kentucky women ranked 32nd in the nation.

Lists of best and worst states and expanded information can be found at the Status of Women in the States website by following the link below.

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