Time to stop foolin' around with liquor laws: make Kentucky all wet.

Aug 18, 2015 at 02:50 pm by admin

Kentucky is a goofy patchwork of wet counties, dry counties and damp counties. Without going into the whole explanation, wet counties allow alcohol sales anywhere, anyhow. Dry counties don't. Damp counties - some places they do and some places they don't.

The map above is a bit out of date as more cities and counties go wet. Bit by bit. Drip. Drip. Drip. Counties like Marshall are realizing that prohibition is an economic development stopper. There is a reason that while there are more dry counties, more people live in wet counties. The economies are bigger and there are more jobs.

It is time for the Kentucky General Assembly to step up and make alcohol sales legal statewide. Nibbling around the edges with ridiculous exceptions like having a golf course with lots of holes or a restaurant that is big, big or old, old is hypocrisy at the top. Wet. Dry. Damp.

Enough. Enough. Enough.

Adults in dry counties are as mature as adults in wet counties. They should have the right to buy a legal product wherever they live.

Legalize alcohol sales everywhere. Tax alcohol sales everywhere. Regulate alcohol sales everywhere.

Tags: alcohol sales Kentucky prohibition
Sections: Editorials