Horse and buggy doctor's office being restored

Aug 26, 2015 at 12:57 pm by admin

In horse and buggy days, a physician could only cover so much territory. Consequently in the early 1900s there were as many as 28 doctors in Hickman County, "from Columbus to Clinton and from Oakton to Springhill."

Dr. Thomas Lenard Lamkin was one of these "horse-and-buggy doctors." His one-room office, located in the Springhill community, had all the necessities: an operating table, a life-sized skeleton, and castor oil in a whiskey bottle.

Dr. Lamkin's office has been relocated several times but now it has a permanent home. Thanks to its most recent owner, Carlean Black, the old doctor's office is now being restored and is part of the Hickman County Museum in Clinton.

Volunteers have taken original clapboard from the exterior and stacked and numbered it. The original porch has been rebuilt. The old tin roof, too damaged to protect the interior, will be replaced with a metal roof similar in color to aged tin. The building will be wired, climate-controlled, and made accessible to all visitors.

Within a few months visitors to the museum on Clay Street in Clinton can see how a country doctor practiced-his spare furnishings, essential supplies, and treasured personal items. They can, for a few moments, become part of his world.

-Liz Jewell, with ideas from Lick Skillet/ 22: Remedies

Tags: Clinton Hickman County history Kentucky medicine
Sections: Community and Regional News