UPDATE: Neither was the Lt. Gov. debate. Those interested can watch it on WDRB, the Cincinnati television station and WKYT, Lexington or WLKY, Louisville, online.
Far as we can tell, for those who cannot stream over the Internet, there will be ONE gubernatorial debate.
We searched for the candidates' debate last night on on our zillion channel DirectV feed. No luck.
Turns out the last face to face debate of Conway/Bevin/Curtis was televised - on Louisville station WHAS.
Yes, it was streamed on several websites - but it never occurred to us that it would not be televised. Figured we had the wrong night. Never thought to look online.
Should have - didn't.
According to Jack Brammer at kentucky.com there will be other televised debates scheduled in the race. They include the WAVE-TV, AARP debate Oct. 6 at Centre College; the WLKY-TV, WKYT-TV, Kentucky League of Women Voters debate Oct. 25 at Eastern Kentucky University and the Kentucky Tonight debate on Kentucky Educational Television Oct. 26.
It appears that only the KET debate on the 26th will be available on television for far western Kentuckians.
Not feeling the love at the moment.
Good luck watching what turned out to be a snark fest interspersed with lighter moments from Drew Curtis.
If you missed it too - click on "More" to watch the debate on WKYT, a Lexington station.