Hickman County Heritage Days - a rolling history lesson

Sep 28, 2015 at 01:55 pm by admin

During the week following Labor Day, Hickman Countians focused on the history of their county. It was a week of all ages learning something new.

On Tuesday, students in Ms. Karen Dean's Hickman County Middle School 8th grade history class visited the Hickman County Museum and the Historical & Genealogical Society. The buildings sit catty corner to each other, one facing East Clay Street, the other facing South Washington Street. Students researched their family histories and several found, to them, hilariously funny pictures of their parents and other relatives in the file folders of the Historical Society. They got the first peek at the work going on to make the Lamkin doctor's office a new display for the Museum.

Also on Tuesday, senior citizens were treated to an indoor picnic and lecture on the history of Fulgham, a small community on the eastern end of Hickman County by retired veterinarian Dr. Bill Bone. The JOY Group, sponsored by First United Methodist Church of Clinton, sponsored the lecture.

On Wednesday, the Hickman County Homemakers got the historic spirit as they wore aprons and delivered homemade cookies to local businesses. The aprons were paired with blue jeans, shorts and tennis shoes on many members. A visit to the courthouse prompted one clerk to begin a search for who made the lemon cookies so she could get the recipe.

Rotary meets on Wednesdays and on this Heritage Week, Rotary members met at the Museum, toured the facility and picked up a sack lunch. They then walked to the Historical Society where LaDonna Latham spoke on downtown businesses of the past and Ivan Potter described the role of history in tourism and economic development.

First Community Bank of the Heartland gave out bags of popcorn and exhibited traditional quilts during banking hours on Thursday. Clinton Mayor Phyllis Campbell hosted a reception at Clinton City Hall on Thursday afternoon.

Throughout the week, local businesses and residents were encouraged to display flags and decorate windows in keeping with the theme of history. The Hickman County Arts Council filled its display case with members precious family possessions. Shown at right, Arts Council member Coralyn Bugg shared her first grade lunch box. Sheri Roberts put in a sugar bowl and spoons that survived a house fire and a ouija board that belonged to her great grandmother.

On Friday, the Museum celebrated its 21st year in operation with cake and a presentation as "Business of the Month" by the Hickman County Chamber of Commerce.

Friday evening, Clinton Bank hosted an ice cream social in the historic First Christian Church prior to an old time Hymn Sing attended by over 200. Cletus Murphy, director of Clinton First United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, led the congregation drawn from in singing favorites like "Amazing Grace" "In the Garden" and "Standing in the Need of Prayer." Small groups and soloists also led the group in singing along with their specials.

Sarah Bowman, who co-owns the church with her husband, expressed her hope that the building would continue to be used for community events. Bowman hopes to get the building on the National Historic Register and to find grants to assist in the replacing or repairing the aging roof.

Saturday morning, the Historical and Genealogical Society unveiled six original min-murals by local artists that will grace a reading garden the Society is constructing in their new home. Artists Jackie Humphreys, Carila McCowan, Sheri Roberts, Virginia and Ivan Potter took the charge to create something historical in wildly different directions.

The results created a history lesson in art. Some work remains to make the murals weather and vandal proof before they can be hung outdoors.

Heritage Week 2015 turned out to be rolling history lesson throughout the county. It was a festival with an almost nonexistent budget that involved many locals in a stroll down Memory Lane. Many came away with ideas for the future.

Tags: Hickman County Hickman County Arts Council history Kentucky
Sections: Education