Members of Clinton First United Methodist Church are partnering with members of New Obion Missionary Baptist Church in an effort to reach the heart of Clinton. The effort named "Heartfelt Connection" focuses on reaching out to the unchurched and needy of the community.
The first meeting of Heartfelt Connection was Sunday September 20th. A hamburger and hot dog cook out with homemade goodies welcomed almost fifty people to the old feed store on North Washington Street.
Music was a big part of the evening. Riverheart Band made up of Devin Pittman, Brian Harper, Keith Kimmons, and Irvin Stroud, shared old favorites and praise music.
The evening was completed with testimony in words and song by New Obion Pastor Alex Thomas. He said that he left Clinton to go to Atlanta, Georgia. It was there that he answered the call to the ministry. Thomas said that he was led back to Clinton because "God has a mission for me here." Thomas told the racially diverse crowd that "God is color blind. He loves us all." That brought an Amen from those listening.
Heartfelt Connection will continue to meet on Sunday evenings at the site behind Jewell Mart North at 5:30 on Sunday evenings. Volunteers have already cleaned one half of the building for future use.