October is Bullying Prevention Month and Kentucky Center for School Safety proudly announces the theme for Kentucky Safe Schools Week (October 18-24) This year's theme "I WANT TO BE A SCHOOL SAFETY SUPERHERO..." focuses on building-up the self-esteem of the students in our schools while working toward an environment free of Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment and Conflict. From Superman to Captain America most superheroes started with problems or issues and turned their uniqueness into a power or force. They used their power for the betterment of society. The campaign highlights the word SUPER and qualities necessary to be a superhero at school. S-Strong, U-Understanding, P-Powerful, E-Encouraging and R-Respectful, by using these character words to teach and describe our students, they can become School Safety Superheroes!
During this week, all Kentuckians will be urged to improve the safety of our schools by educating students, staff and community members. Building up the self-esteem of individual students and teaching them to be resilient are basic concepts of this year's theme. Being both strong and understanding incorporates the need to make good choices and to know when to show power or be encouraging. The respectful aspect goes back to treating others as one wants to be treated. Learning to step up and support others who are in need can be as easy as leaving an online tip. Students can be a "Silent Hero" and help without getting involved if they fear retaliation. The Kentucky Center for School Safety offers to partner with schools and provide a "free" online reporting tool, the S.T.O.P! TIPLINE. The tip line encourages students, parents or community members, who know of an unsafe situation in school, to anonymously pass on that information to school personnel by using a digital format. Check it out at www.kycss.org/stop/resources.php
During Safe Schools Week our website supplies a variety of teaching aids including an online "Safe School SUPERhero Pledge," PowerPoint presentations, lessons, interactive websites and much more. Resources are also be available for school administrators, parents and community involvement at www.kysafeschools.org/ssw.php
The Kentucky "I Want to be a School Safety Superhero" campaign is sponsored by the Kentucky Center for School Safety. This observance coincides with the national campaign. America's Safe Schools Week is sponsored by the National School Safety Center. "Embedding self-esteem and resilience into our Kentucky Safe Schools Week Campaign reinforces the skills students need to succeed at school. The "I Want to be a School Safety Superhero" campaign calls for our students to be strong, understanding, powerful, encouraging and respectful. These qualities are the hallmark of a student population empowered to support a healthy learning environment on our campuses." said Jon Akers, Executive Director, KCSS.
I pledge to be:
• Strong and make good choices to improve myself and my school.
• Understanding of others and realize everyone is unique with varied talents.
• Powerful when overcoming conflict and report when another needs help; tell an adult, send an online tip or use a bully/tip box.
• Encouraging when a fellow student needs reassurance.
• Respectful of others and treat everyone as I want to treated.