I'm Ron Leach, and yesterday I announced that I intend to be a candidate for U.S. Senate in our Great Commonwealth of Kentucky.
I am a former teacher, farmer, soldier - former infantryman, Special Forces Green Beret, combat veteran with four tours between Iraq and Afghanistan. I am a physician assistant. Most importantly, I am a father, grandfather, and husband.
I'm running for United States Senate, not in order to "make America great again" - America is and always has been great - but rather to reinforce and return to those things that made this a great nation and will ensure its greatness will be secured for future generations. Those things that grew what once was the world's largest middle class, those things that made the American dream a real possibility for all of us. Those things which are directly and relentlessly under attack by Rand Paul and his ideological cohorts in Congress.
I am not running to "take our country back", because it was never taken away, it was given away by citizens not bothering to vote in their own best interests, but rather voting based on the fears that have been used to divide and defeat us.
I am not running to promise unspecified and unfocused increases in military spending, but rather for wise-focused military investments that will ensure our continued security while honoring our commitments to those who have answered our nation's call.
I am not running to bar specific religions or races from entering the country, but rather to bar specific individuals identified as a threat by proper intelligence from entering the country, security consistent with our American values that does not surrender our values to terrorists.
I am not running to shrink government to a size that it can be drowned in a bath tub - as some have stated to be their true objective - or to increase it to a size that it can infringe on everything.
I am running because:
We need a functional government that represents all of US
We need leaders, not looters in Washington.
We need a Kentucky and America that works for all of US again
Most of all I want to be part of ending angry mob governance. Be it because people have moved on to virtual reality on their computers or cell phones, because of broken promises of trade agreements and technology, because of new failures in old government programs or lies about some successful new ones, or because of restrictions to voting and the increased ranks of the disenfranchised; general voter turnout is at an all-time low while that of the misguided, misinformed angry anti- government and those obsessed with special interests or hate are at an all-time high, and these people have been gathered into the equivalent of lynch mobs come primary and general election time to elect angry, anti-government representatives. And when it is all sorted out, in reality, the political rhetoric of those who excite the zealot fringe we have allowed to hijack our government, is nothing but a Trojan horse for corporations and a few billionaires to carry out a coup against our very democracy.
The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." (http://www.ourrepubliconline.com/Author/21)
I, with your help, will fight to keep it. If you want government of, for, and by the people again get out and vote. If you want government that works for all of us again instead of mega corporations and few billionaires, then get engaged, get active. Help us energize our democracy again, recruit your friends and get out the vote. If you want a country that remains secure, vote for someone who has been on the front lines of the battle to defend it for decades.
I am ready to again answer the call to duty for Kentucky and our nation. But I need you to fight with me. I ask for your energy, your support, your shoe leather, and come May and November, I ask for your vote.
I'm Ron Leach and I am running to represent Kentucky in the United States Senate
Now, let's get started.
Thank You
about Ron:
Ron Leach is a recently retired US Army Major with 21 years on Active Duty and 8 years in the National Guard. Ron served as an Infantry Soldier, Paratrooper, Special Forces Medical Sergeant and an A-Team member, as well as a Medical Officer.