Ted Cruz - his 12 step plan

Jan 24, 2016 at 06:36 pm by admin

From his website: Ted Cruz's Growth and Jobs Agenda is a 12-step plan to get America working again:

1) Repeal ObamaCare.
2) Kill Cap and Trade.
3) Stop the National Labor Relations Board from Attacking Jobs in Right-to-Work States.
4) Revoke the Offshore Drilling Moratorium.
5) Restrain Abusive Environmental Enforcement.
6) Repeal Dodd-Frank.
7) Slash Corporate Tax Rates.
8. Champion Tax Reform.
9) Cut the Federal Budget and Reform Entitlements.
10) Rein in the Fed and Ensure Sound Money.
11) Allow Small and Medium Companies to Opt out of Sarbanes-Oxley.
12) Pass a Strong Balanced Budget Amendment.

Could not locate a rural strategy - maybe 5, 9, and 11 apply?

Tags: election 2016 presidential politics Republican rural Ted Cruz
Sections: Politics & Government