PTHS Academic Team runner up in 2016 competition

Feb 10, 2016 at 02:43 pm by admin

The PTHS Academic Team was district runner-up in District Governors Cup Competition held on January 20, 2016 at Paducah Tilghman High School.

The Quick Recall team, which included starters Meg Hancock, Reese Butler, John Holtgrewe and Jose Roberto dos Remedios was second. The Future Problem Solving team of Skylar Bundy, Madison Mercer, Taylor Willis and Grace Raber was second.

The team also won the Hume Sportsmanship award.

In written assessments, Reese Butler was second and Jose Roberto dos Remedios was fifth in in Math. Marco Garcia was fourth and Jose Roberto dos Remedios was fifth in Science. Nicholas Beeny was second, John Holtgrewe was fourth, and Reese Butler was fifth in Social Studies. Anna Grace McGee was second, and Talia Housman and Palmer Stroup tied for fourth in Language Arts. Michael-Ellen Walden was second and Meg Hancock was third in Arts & Humanities. Meg Hancock was first, Michael-Ellen Walden was second, and Taylor Willis was fifth in Composition.

The teams and top finishers in the assessments will compete in the Regional Governor's Cup Competition on February 16 and 20.

Photo Caption, l to r: Jose Roberto dos Remedios, Palmer Stroup, Reese Butler, Talia Housman, Jack Daniels, Taylor Willis, Nicholas Beeny, Meg Hancock, Landon Rutherford, Coach Christine Wynne, John Holtgrewe, Anna Grace McGee, Travis Myers, Claire Kelly, Marco Garcia, Lance Butler
(not pictured: Skyler Bundy, Madison Mercer, Grace Raber, Michael-Ellen Walden, Coach Gary Willis)

Tags: education governors cup Paducah Tilghman High School
Sections: Education