Kentucky Republican Caucus will offer insight into future of GOP

Mar 01, 2016 at 01:17 pm by admin

(Clinton, KY - March 1, 2016) - March will be the next teaser in the upcoming epic movie "Republicans Take Back Kentucky."

On March 5, 2016, Kentucky will have its first Republican statewide caucus in modern history.

A real down to earth political caucus is filled with massive opportunities for upheavals, bitter party infighting, deep scars, and misuse of raw political muscle.

That's just for ordering lunch. From there it gets mean.

Republicans love to fight among themselves almost as much as Democrats. It's in our collective blood. As pioneers and early settlers, we came from Scot-Irish families. We were bred to be hardy and take this new land of Kentucky away from nature and the Indians. Fighting was one of the best skills we had.

Because we don't have many pubs or places for serving strong drink, we seek other places for gathering and fighting. That's why we invented political caucuses.

This Saturday will be an open expression for nominating a Republican candidate for the Office of President. Pretty heady stuff.

However, there will be a much deeper and darker side to this weekend's event. In the shadows of voting for Donald Trump, there will be a fight over the control and direction Republican power will take in Kentucky for the next generation.

We are sure that the agents of Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul will be carving out positions of power. So too will be the leaders of Kentucky's tea party vs. the power base of Kentucky's Chamber of Commerce Republicans.

In Kentucky, that is how we practice the little "d" of democracy in action. We are a state of poor rural 100 counties of East and West Kentucky pitted against the urban rich 20 counties of Central Kentucky. Every day we struggle to keep our economy on track as many of our citizens no longer can find jobs.

Republicans are new to having complete statewide political power. Only three times since 1967 has there been a Republican governor in Frankfort. Louie Nunn served from 1967 through 1971. Ernie Fletcher served from 2003 through 2007. Now, in 2016, Matt Bevin carries the Republican banner in the halls of Frankfort State government.

Governing is hard for Kentucky Republicans. Knowing when to stop fighting and work with power gains is not a ready skill set for senior Kentucky Republicans.

Add to all the above will be the image of the out riders from this weekend lighting over a 100 fuses that will burn back into the rural counties. These fuses will set fires and explosions of distrust or anger as the fight between the Kentucky Tea Party vs. Chamber of Commerce Republicans is played out. For added fun of viewing this modern Republican power blood bath will be the Machiavellian struggles of Mitch McConnell against the untried administration of Matt Bevin.

This weekend is the movie opening of "London has Fallen" which is the sequel to the 2013 film "Olympus Has Fallen." Both movies deal with the unthinkable concept of terrorist exercising deadly power over American and British political government centers (White House and the City of London).

So, gather your popcorn and soft drinks and take in a good movie or go and watch Republicans fight a tag team wrestling match over who will keep and administer the spoils of Kentucky politics.

For Democrats, it doesn't get any better: a good movie and watching grown Republican men and women mud wrestling.

Tags: Mitch McConnell presidential politics Rand Paul Republicans
Sections: FrontPage News