Downtown Mayfield Cruise-In off on April 16thCRUISE-IN SEASON KICK-OFF

Apr 08, 2016 at 11:06 am by admin

April 7, 2016 (Mayfield, KY) Downtown Mayfield will once again host the Top Gun Car Show "Cruise-In Series" from April through September, every third Saturday of the month from 4 - 9p.m.

Saturday, April 16th, downtown will be alive with cars galore!

Cars begin to arrive at 4pm. For a full schedule of the Cruise-In Series please see the City's Facebook page.

Broadway will be closed to through traffic between 6th & 7th Streets beginning at 4pm. Motorists are asked to watch for and observe all city
barricades. For more information on the cruise-ins, call 382-2139, or email

Bring a chair and bring a friend, and as always, rain cancels the events.

Tags: Graves County Kentucky Mayfield vintage cars
Sections: Community and Regional News