Fifteen Paducah Tilghman High School students scored a 30 or better on at least one section of the ACT that was taken in June: Nicholas Beeny, Morgan Brewington, Lance Butler, Will Denton, Jose Ricardo dos Remedios, Hannah Fischer, Jackson Fitzgerald, Anna Grace McGee, James McGee, Peyton Patel, Kate Rogers, Landon Ross, Emery Wainscott, Kaleb White, and Taylor Willis.
The ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of four subject area tests: English, Reading, Math, and Science. On average, a score of 30 or better on a section is in the top 5% of scores for all students taking the test state-wide.
Eleven students from this group scored a composite score of 30 or better on the ACT test: Nicholas Beeny, Morgan Brewington, Lance Butler, Will Denton, Jose Ricardo dos Remedios, Hanna Fischer, Anna Grace McGee, Landon Ross, Emery Wainscott, Kaleb White, and Taylor Willis. Their scores place them in the top 4% of all students who took the ACT state-wide and the top 5% nation-wide.
Anna Grace McGee scored a perfect 36 on the Reading and English sections of the ACT. Landon Ross scored a perfect 36 on the Reading section. Their scores on these sections place them in the top 1% of all high school students who took the test nation-wide.