Murray State receives farm gift

Sep 21, 2016 at 02:46 pm by admin

Murray State University Hutson School of Agriculture Dean Tony Brannon announced at the WAVE steering committee meeting the gift of Eagle Rest Plantation in Ballard County to the university. The gift is valued at over 2.5 million dollars and is one of the largest in the school's history.

Former District Judge Jimmy Don Robinson signed the deed granting the 534 acre farm to the school on August 17, 2016. Judge Robinson will continue to live at the farm as long as he is able. The deed granted him a life estate in the property. Brannon said that the farm can be used for demonstration crops. High school students in Ballard County Future Farmers of America (FFA) will have access to the farm.

A celebration of the gift was held at Ballard County Memorial High School.

Robinson and his wife, Dr. Charlene Robinson, raised horses, mules, and beef cattle and grew row crops on the farm. Judge Robinson told WPSD Local 6 reporters that he is battling cancer.

Tags: agriculture Ballard County Kentucky Murray State University
Sections: Agriculture, Home and Garden