Ballard, Calloway and Murray Ind. Schools of Distinction in latest report card

Oct 06, 2016 at 11:06 am by admin

The Kentucky Department of Education last week released the annual district report cards. Some districts in West Kentucky have ample reason to rejoice. None need despair.

Scores are a compilation of bits of information on each school and district.

According to the Department website:

"Each year, School and District Report Cards are posted on the Kentucky Department of Education's (KDE's) website. Not to be confused with student report cards, these Report Cards provide information about each school and district, including test performance, teacher qualifications, student safety, awards, parent involvement and much more. The School and District Report Cards were established by statute, KRS 158.6453, and regulation, 703 KAR 5:140. Additionally, the Report Cards must incorporate the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act."

Alphabetically, here are the number scores for fourteen districts in far western Kentucky:

District 2015-2016 2015-2016 Class

Ballard County 69.5 75.0 Distinguished *

Calloway County 75.0 76.9 Distinguished *

Carlisle County 67.0 68.4 Proficient

Fulton County 64.9 70.0 Proficient

Fulton Ind. 65.4 66.4 Proficient

Graves County 79.0 75.2 Distinguished

Hickman County 75.1 68.2 Proficient

Livingston County 66.3 70.1 Proficient

Marshall County 72.7 66.2 Proficient

Mayfield Ind. 72.3 68.4 Proficient

McCracken County 76.2 71.7 Distinguished

Murray Ind. 78.7 85.6 Distinguished *

Paducah Ind. 63.5 67.7 Proficient

Trigg County 68.3 66.9 Proficient

Three districts, Ballard, Calloway and Murray Independent, are designated as "Schools of Distinction." That's about as good as it gets.

Parents can also see how their local school fared in the report by going to the website below. Reports on individual schools break out the factors that determine each school's final score. For those with no internet access, schools are required by law to print out the report for parents.

The report can be found at

Tags: Ballard County Kentucky education Kentucky Murray schools
Sections: Education