Fulton County Dems gather for dinner, tribute, politics

Oct 06, 2016 at 11:06 am by admin

(Hickman, KY) - Fulton County Democrats gathered at the Methodist Enrichment Center for the first of what organizers hope to be an annual event. The "Fulton County River Banquet" was attended by over 75 Democrats. The program included an auction of a collectible bottle of bourbon, a silent auction and political speeches.

Before the politics began, a legislative proclamation was presented to Fulton County Sheriff Hopper's widow, Barbara Hopper by Rep. Leslie Combs. The Sheriff lost a long battle with cancer on September 17th. At left, a chair left empty to honor the beloved sheriff.

Music was provided by a local band and by Judge Shea Nickell and his draftee choir singing My Old Kentucky Home - Circuit Judge Tim Langford, Kentucky Senator Reggie Thomas, Rep. Leslie Combs and former Rep. Carroll Hubbard. Fulton County Democratic Chair Brad Wiley was present, but not singing (or at least not moving his mouth.)

The keynote address of the evening was given by Rep. Leslie Combs of Pike County. Combs spoke at length about her philosophy of running for office, urging candidates to listen to voters, keep promises and return phone calls promptly. Combs is not running for re-election, but she hinted that she has other political goals in the future. Combs is keeping busy traveling and talking about the bill she sponsored. P3 - public private partnership passed the 2016 session and was signed into law by Governor Bevin. It has turned out to be popular around the country.

Candidate for the Kentucky 1st District House seat Michael Murphy said in his remarks that his opponent had done little or nothing for his district. Murphy pointed to the roads through the Mississippi River Counties and the lack of funding to improve them. The First District includes Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, Hickman and several precincts in McCracken County. Steven Rudy is running for his sixth term.

Candidate for the US House of Representatives Sam Gaskin discussed his military service and his experiences traveling the First House District.

At left, Michael Murphy and Sam Gaskin pose smiling at Fulton County Democratic dinner in Hickman.

Tags: Democrat election 2016 Fulton County Kentucky Leslie Combs
Sections: Politics & Government