News Summary: Women's Protest March Against New President

Jan 23, 2017 at 06:21 am by admin

News Summary

(January 21, 2017) Wow! Over 500,000 women gathered in Washington D.C. on this day to send a direct message to the newly elected 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Their voices were spoken as one when they roared their resistance to Trump's election, administration taking shape, and why he has declared war on women's values.

At the same hours, 637 other women protests erupted across America. Experts are saying over 1,000,000 women protesters gathered in urban mega centers (like Boston, New York, Atlanta, Los Angles, and Chicago).

First rough count for major urban areas for protestors were: Washington, 500,000, Denver 120,000, Boston 130,000, St. Paul 50,000 and over 150,000 marching in New York toward Trump Tower.

Louisville had just over 5,000 voices in downtown area when they shut off the area for traffic. Even smaller urban areas like Murray, Kentucky had 800 protestors march from the Murray State University to downtown Murray at the Courthouse.

MSNBC news estimated that 9 out of 10 women in protest had never been to a political protest before. Many on camera said that they had never done anything like this in their life. Photos show young newborn babies up to 80 year old women in attendance for the protest.

For those experts in social change dynamics who watch for key events in culture and issues, one action above all else forecast the type of battle field now taking shape between the White House and woman of America. At roughly 11:05 am, an organizer of the event held up her cell phone. She roared into the air a strong voice with precise words. "Everyone take out you cell phone. Now call Woman.4****and give your e-mail address."

Born in these 50 seconds was the foundation for a multi million person network to be formed with money, passion, and fighting spirit against President Trump. This will be an attempt to raise an army and money to become a new political force in the American political landscape.

Tags: Kentucky March for Equality and Social Justice Women's March 2017
Sections: Politics & Government