Feeling overwhelmed? Welcome to 2017, the year of breaking news

Feb 14, 2017 at 03:13 pm by admin

Overwhelmed yet?

If you are not, I suspect that you are not watching the 24 news channels, listening to talk radio, following politics on social media.

Waking up each morning of this one month administration is another day of BREAKING NEWS. (Apologies for the written shout.)

In one way Donald Trump has succeeded. He has managed to scare the crap out of the majority of America and the world.

Mr. Trump's current pace of government by the seat of one's pants cannot end well. A week with no tweets would go a long way toward calming the feeling many of us have that he has no idea what he's doing and doesn't much care to learn. It might soothe some jangled nerves in capitals around the world.

One day it's a missile launch by North Korea, the country that resembles more than anything else an angry toddler. Ignore the Republic of North Korea and it throws something.

President Trump reacts by sitting in the dining room of his Florida resort and plotting strategy with the visiting Japan prime minister (complete with translators) like he's ordering the next supper course.

Another day it's a National Security Advisor who forgets what he told the Russian ambassador on the phone a month ago. I am old, but I am pretty sure I would remember what I told a personage as august as the Russian ambassador- especially if I knew the calls are recorded.

I would at least remember long enough not to mislead the Vice President of the United States. That's a bit more than an oops.

Tomorrow it could be a tantrum over perceived slights of the President's grown up daughter by a department store. Oh. Wait. That one's been done.

While this new administration struggles to get its act together, the rest of us struggle to come to terms with the new A. B. Normal to steal my favorite Marty Feldman joke.

This constant I know: there will be more letters written. More postcards sent. More calls to representatives. More disrupted town hall meetings. More signs. More marches.

My inbox is full of outrage. I can imagine what elected officials are getting. Staffers must be asking themselves if this is what they signed up for.

Call it what you want - the new left tea party, progressive rage, paid protests (though I've yet to meet or hear from one paid protester.) Bueller? Bueller?

The ascendancy of the Republican Party to sole ownership of all levels of government has woken up a silent majority. Silence, then man 'splaining the rules and the rationale is falling far below the expectations even supporters should have of their elected representatives.

As DJT's star dims, the GOP lawmakers have decisions to make. Voters are awake now and they will be watching.

It's time for the GOP to feel overwhelmed.

Tags: Democrats Donald Trump Republican Party
Sections: Editorials