Eclipse Euphoria Erupts Everywhere

Aug 08, 2017 at 03:59 pm by admin

Kentucky - August 2017 If you haven't heard of the GREAT ECLIPSE OF 2017, then you are living in a bunker out in the wilds of Hickman County without wifi, cell service or a teevee.

The rest of us are contemplating "Where we will stand for the 2 minutes and 40 seconds that the sun will hide behind the moon." Well, two minutes and forty seconds if you make the trek to Hopkinsville which has been declared the EPICENTER FOR VIEWING. Hopkinsville has rebranded itself Eclipseville

At this writing, parking spaces and camping spots in Hop'town are going like well hop-cakes. Visitors can reserve a spot and get free viewing glasses by going through the website. Hopkinsville is over the moon with the path. Predictions of 500,000 visitors have businesses packing in extra supplies. Residents are being urged to get their toilet paper bought before August 18th. Running out to get more TP during a major solar event will be problematic.

Sunglasses will not protect your eyes from sun damage. As always, there are products that won't do the job of protecting your eyes. How to avoid buying bogus eclipse glasses - CNN Money Special viewing glasses are available at libraries, schools and retail outlets. Look for the ISO seal to assure getting the correct safety glasses.

From the Kentucky Department of Tourism:

In addition to Hopkinsville, fifteen other cities are in the path of totality and offer wonderful viewing opportunities. Not only are these cities offering awesome views, but there are also numerous special events, activities and one-of-a-kind experiences planned all weekend to celebrate the eclipse! Events include a free concert in Madisonville featuring Jennifer Nettles, a musical eclipse show in Dawson Springs, a drive-in movie eclipse watching in Franklin, a viewing party in Greenville and other events across the state including train rides, wildlife viewings, balloon rides and baseball games just to name a few. For a full list of events visit: "

Visit for a full list of eclipse activities across the state as well as important viewing safety reminders from the Kentucky Department of Health. The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) urges citizens and tourists to plan ahead in order to have the best possible eclipse experience.

Transportation officials and police agencies are issuing warnings not to stop your car on I-24 to watch the once in a lifetime event. We can say with absolute certainty some idiot will do just that.

Welcome to the Great Total Solar Eclipse of 2017.

Come rain, shine, blazing sun and complete darkness, it's the happening thing to see.

Tags: Eclipse of 2017 Hopkinsville Kentucky marketing tourism
Sections: FrontPage News