Cost of calendars

Jan 25, 2018 at 03:18 pm by admin

Time Management: What Price for 2018 Calendars?

Egg nog, loud music and cheering, first kiss of the new year are some of America's favorite way to greet yet another year. So it was with the 2018 celebrations.

However millions of Americans started preparing for the transition of years weeks or in some cases, months before the drop of the New Years Ball.

They bought calendars.

Time watching, time scheduling, time any thing is a multi million dollar business. You can spend several hundred dollars on special time calendar that come with computer apps, detailed address books, listing of all special occasions, and encased in the finest leather money can buy. If you are a business wealth manager, this is for you. If you are a street level middle class or small business, you tend to shop around for bargains.

Office Depot had the best selection of Monthly Planners for 2018. Their low end model has a personal address directory, 2018 monthly overview, small calendar for 2019, holiday dates for the year, space for dates to remember, phases of the moon by NASA, North America time zone map, and the month at a glance space.

The above 2018 calendar comes in a 9" x 6" soft cover package. It was listed for $20 dollars.

Meanwhile, at Dollar General, the price for the same model of calendar was $1 dollar.

What price for these paper time machines? Whatever the market will bear!

Beware dear consumer, the price for time management is best determined by how savvy you are in combating corporate greed.

Sections: The Futurist's Corner