Mega Forces and Issues Framing 2018

Feb 05, 2018 at 02:33 pm by admin

Each year of our lives, the lives of our community march to the natural rhythm and energy force we call change. No force or issue stands alone in this stream of time. Many times what we call "the now" is but a part or piece of a grander tapestry.

The future of our lives is defined by merging recent history with the present to give us how events are defined by action dynamics. The year 2018 will have the burden of many loose ends, explosive events, slow moving forces that are powerful and creep along from day to day as well as month to month left over from 2017. Politics are a good example of this type of movement.

Below is listed several issues and forces that will interact with each other to build new momentum and energy for disrupted future shock in Kentucky and the nation.

  1. Roaring stock market...New York stock market has gone from a rating and high of 6,000 points under President Obama in 2007 to 26,000 in 2018. Could 2018 see a market pricing correction of over 20% in one week? Will this be a "market crash" like 1929?
  1. FBI investigation of President Trump...Will the final FBI report be released during 2018? If so, will it define high crimes against the President and the Republican Party?

Could this become a platform in Congress to impeach the President?

  1. Immigration... Will this one complex issue set the stage for millions of new voters to punish President Trump, Republican Governors, and Republican Congressional incumbents the 2018 mid-term elections?
  1. Climate Change...Will the year 2018 also become one of the hottest years on weather records? The planet is heating up. How will extreme weather impact agricultural, fresh water supply, urban and rural energy consumption, transportation and housing? What major American city will be almost destroyed by category 4 or 5 hurricane?
  1. Rise of Women Power...In Kentucky 2018 mid term elections, 100 women have registered for office and elections to the Kentucky House of Representatives and the Senate. This is an all time record. Women of all walks of life are involved in this grass roots movement to change the face and structure of who rules Kentucky politics.
  1. Mid-Term Elections...This event in November will determine which political force will rule over government, both at the state level but the national level as well. In Kentucky there will be an outside chance for the women power to take back the House of Representatives. This election will also decide at the local level many mayors, county judges, and city councils.
  1. Health Care Costs ...Health Care and the entire medical profession is ripe for major reforms in costs, care, and access of services. The urban vs rural care issue will be major concern as well as to hospital closings. Look for giant impact from entering the health care marketplace. They will totally disrupt the current status quo.
  1. Agriculture in Transition...Like big health care, big agriculture is looking at the possible impact the new five year Farm Bill from Congress. Also, there is worry over the possible collapse of the NAFA North American Free Trade Act. Loss of this treaty would be of great negative disruption to Kentucky farmers as well as the entire agriculture landscape.
  1. Big Oil Moves up Price...Several experts are warning that oil may be reaching a peak point where supply may decease. Add the Saudi war with Yemen and Iran causes political and social divides in the Middle East. Price of crude barrel of oil is now just under $70.00. Market may try to regain its market pricing of between $3 and $4.00 a gallon.
  1. Cost of local government increase...Many cities and counties of America are facing a severe crisis in collecting enough taxes to pay for government services. Non-profits, churches, schools, farms, senior citizens, population relocation are several flash points from which tax collection are retreating. West Kentucky is especially being hit hard on this issue.

Tags: 2018 election 2018 oil prices stock market trends women
Sections: FrontPage News