Phoenix Paper Wickliffe, LLC Now Accepting Applications

Dec 11, 2018 at 10:39 am by admin

WICKLIFFE, Ky. (December 11, 2018) - Ballard County Judge/Executive Todd Cooper has announced that Phoenix Paper Wickliffe, LLC has begun accepting applications for its maintenance and production pools. Interested job seekers are invited to complete application by visiting the Kentucky Career Center located at 416 South 6th Street in downtown Paducah.

"Phoenix has been hiring key personnel over the past couple of months," said Ballard County Judge/Executive Todd Cooper. "Today, I'm happy to announce the news that this community has been waiting to hear, they are ready to accept applications for their maintenance and production pools. Finding skilled maintenance and experienced manufacturing workers is a top priority. The company has created a cohort hiring schedule where groups of employees are targeted to begin work, on a bi-weekly basis, from mid-January through April. Production is estimated to begin sometime in the first half of next year."

"To apply, you must visit the Kentucky Career Center," Cooper explained. "Please do not go to the mill, it is disruptive to the work they are trying to complete and it creates traffic flow issues as equipment and trucks are moving around the facility. Applying at the Kentucky Career Center is a process that should feel familiar to the mill's former workers, as the facility has long-partnered with the Career Center to recruit its production workforce. Career Center staff are ready and waiting to assist you. Non-production positions will continue to be promoted online through Indeed, utilizing the company website, and the Phoenix Paper Facebook page."
Maintenance and production pool candidates will be considered utilizing hire-based qualifications including required manufacturing experience, with paper mill experience preferred. Other factors of the selection process include a pre-employment aptitude assessment, passing a drug-screen, background check, physical and a review panel interview. Applicants will be provided information regarding the selection process when they submit their application.

The Kentucky Career Center is part of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet's network of one-stop job centers located across the Commonwealth. The Paducah office hours of operation are: Monday and Tuesday, 7:30 am - 5:00 pm; Wednesday - Thursday, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm; Friday, 7:30 am - 12:00 pm.

"I am grateful for the jobs and multi-million dollar investment that Phoenix Paper Wickliffe, LLC is bringing to Ballard County," said Cooper. "The best way to be considered for employment, is to follow the instructions the company has provided and continue to be patient. I appreciate that Phoenix Paper has worked with local workforce partners including the West Kentucky Workforce Board, West Kentucky Community & Technical College and the federal and state partners of the Kentucky Career Center. Together, they have worked hard to make sure that the recruitment process is familiar and that everyone has an opportunity to apply."

For more information and recruitment updates, please follow the Phoenix Paper Wickliffe Facebook page.

Tags: jobs Kentucky wickliffe
Sections: FrontPage News