Creating New Job Opportunities in an Extreme Climate Change Work Place and Community

Jun 13, 2019 at 11:05 am by admin

Climate Change scares most of us. We have been told how this new age will take away our jobs and destroy our ability to produce cheap energy. We, as a culture, seem to want to just put our heads in the sand and pretend all will be good as Climate Change washes over us like a summer rain storm.

But this will not be the case. Change will now be part of who and what we are. We will change how and where we live. We will go to college as before. We will party with the same friends at the same in crowd spots. However, how we earn money for work performed will change a great deal.

19th and 20th Century Transformation

Some of the treasures of decor in my office are old photo images of early 20th century Clinton. The first image shows shows the entire north side of the Clinton businesses as of 1908. The profile is of 14 buildings and their environment. Dominant within the photo image of the north side of the city central business district are: (1) horses and budgies, tied to public hitching posts; (2) gravel streets (3) new brick two story buildings and (4) new telegraph poles/wires.

The next image is of the same street, circa 1916, a mere eight years later. On the same north side of the business square: (1) total replacement of horses and budgies with Model T autos (2) gravel streets replaced with paved streets (3) new telephone poles and wires (4) 10 new buildings on the next business section of downtown, located on the east side and northeast side of courthouse.

In a flash of civilizational time, Clinton went from a thriving county seat of the 19th century to a more complex and thriving city of the early 20th century.

Whole sets of job skills and needs disappeared overnight to be replaced with new job skills and work.

This same model of work disruption is now underway with regard to the needs and opportunities of a new 21st Century.

Listed below are jobs and work skills that may be needed for a cultural and civilizational transition into a new world being shaped by Climate Change.

Possible New Jobs in Climate Change World

  1. Global Climate Change Impact stock exchange broker/investor
  2. Rapid response teams handling natural disasters supply chain inventory
  3. Climate Troops/police/corporate security forces
  4. College professors in teaching skills to handle Climate Change
  5. Community/corporate Coordinators for moving off old energy grids
  6. Climate Change Peace Keepers (United Nations and third world)
  7. Disaster Relief corodination
  8. Climate Change Legal/lawyer
  9. College student monitor/teacher
  10. Corporate Command Center coordinator
  11. Environmental Climate Reporter
  12. Change agent for non-profits
  13. Expert Tax for Climate/weather extremes
  14. Climate local regional police
  15. Community administrator for sustainability policies/ordnances
  16. Movie maker climate media
  17. Urban farmer
  18. Store owner for Beyond Meat concept of non meat/healthy meals
  19. Earth Ship (owner/worker in 7/11 type of convenient store
  20. Hoover craft operator
  21. Utility relocation services
  22. Owner/worker of Earth Friendly clothes shop
  23. Old Building rehab services
  24. Drone (anything)
  25. Climate change insurance agent
  26. Mechanical engineer sustainability
  27. Artificial Intelligence sustainability operator
  28. Hovercraft manufacturing worker
  29. Watershed keeper
  30. Representative to Climate Change/sustainability regional organization
  31. New age Landscape planner/Gardener
  32. Wind power technician
  33. Solar power technician
  34. Water power technician
  35. Heating-cooling systems engineer
  36. Electric auto service station owner
  37. Green Church minister
  38. Earth/extreme weather survival shop owner/worker
  39. Big Brother Orwell privacy shop owner/worker
  40. Hemp farmer
  41. Hemp shop owner/worker
  42. Military base resources climate impact relocation specialist
  43. Green TV star or broadcaster
  44. Govt. Intergovernmental coordination climate law specialist
  45. Community Central Business District sustainability specialist
  46. Wealth climate change broker/consultant/banker
  47. Rural Development specialist/consultant
  48. Non-profit climate change coordination
  49. Restaurant/food operator/owner
  50. Green Medical doctor/nurse/researcher
Tags: climate change Clinton Kentucky industry jobs
Sections: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs